Saturday, May 1, 2010

EXP 2 Submission - The Architecture

5 Images of the Design -

This first image gives an overview of the three levels of the design and the ramp which joins them. The top level is the workspace of Stephen Hawking, the elevated position allows him a unique view of the heavens for research into theoretical cosmology and inspiration from the surrounding environment. The bottom level, belongs to Nicole Kuepper, the shape of the top space will provide interesting shadow formations being cast down upon her space. Investagations into the use of photo voltaics and their use can inspired by the heavy contrast of light and dark in this space. The space inbetween is linked by a ramp which at halfway joins the second level of a composite of both land and prism. The tree in the centre of this meeting place is referencing the apple tree that Issac Newton sat beneath which inspired his research into gravity. Hopefully the environment here can caus similar breakthroughs in practical science.

This image demonstrates how the structure fits in with its environment. The surrounding landscape forms an arena like space in which the design sits in the centre. The path that leads into the space provides glimpses of the design on the ascent but never a full view until it is followed around to the base of the design.

This image provides a real time view from the side of the top level (Stephen Hawking's work-space) looking back upon the meeting space and the ramp. It shows how the land works in tune with the rest of the model to provide a special experience to anyone who comes into contact with it.

This image is taken from the meeting place looking upon the model and the ramp ascending to the top level. Shows how the space fits seemlessly in with the natural environment.

This final image is a view from the base of the model (Nicole Kuepper's work-space) and is the first full sight view of the building. It is intended to inspire awe to its occupant. It shows the base of the natural ramp which ascend from the bottom to top and the morning light upon the entire design.

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